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Ashton Dam Update

Nov 3, 2011 | Mike Lawson

Just received the following dam update from the HFF...

PacifiCorp informed us this morning that they are doing some inspection work around the tunnel area and the coffer dam. To complete that work, they are needing to temporarily reduce the flows below the dam, generally for 20-40 minutes at a time. Most of this work can be done with the flows reduced from 1300 cfs to about 800 cfs, however sometime in the next week they will need to briefly reduce the flows to 300 cfs.

There have also been a few brief spikes in turbidity the past couple days. In the past week, the turbidity readings at Ora Bridge have been around 5 NTU’s. However the turbidity went up to 30 NTU’s for about an hour earlier today. By 3:00 PM it was back down to 5.

PacifiCorp is planning to begin refilling the reservoir for the winter on November 28th.

NTU's? How about more like FUBAR?